PERENNIALS (list varies annually)
ACHILLEA -- pink millefolium, Moonshine
ACONITUM -- pannicuata, carmichaelli, arendsii
ALCEA -- rugosa
ALCHEMILLA -- mollis
ANTHEMIS -- Charme
ARTEMESIA -- Silver Brocade
ARUNCUS -- diocus, aeuthusifolius
ASARUM -- European, Canadenses
ASTER -- Purple Dome
ASTILBE -- assorted whites, pinks, red
BRUNNERA -- Jack Frost, Morning Light
CAMPANULA -- persicifolia
CIMICIFUGA -- Chocoholic, Black Negligee, Hillside Black Beauty, ramosa atropurpurea
COREOPSIS -- Cosmic Eye
CORYDALIS -- lutea (yellow), elata (blue),
CROCOSMIA -- Lucifer
DELOSPERMA -- Jewel of Desert Ruby, Jewel of Desert Peridot
DIANTHUS -- Bath's Pink, Chester A. Arthur, Dwarf single pink, Tiny Rubies
DICENTRA -- spectabilis, alba, Gold Heart
DICTAMNUS -- white and pink
DIGITALIS -- ambigua, Mertonensis
DRABA siberica
ECHINACEA -- Fatal Attraction, Hot Papaya, Raspberry Truffle, Solar Flare
ECHINOPS -- Vetches Blue
EPEMEDIUM -- rubrum
EUPHORBIA -- First Blush
FERNS -- limited availablilty
GENTIAN -- crassicaulis, septemfida
GEUM -- Alabama Sunset, Totally Tangerine
GRASSES -- Calamagrostis Karl Foerster, Calamagrostis Overdam, Hakonechloa All Gold, Hakonechloa Naomi, Helictotricon, Miscanthus Purpuracens, Miscanthus Morning Light, Miscanthus Variegatus, Miscanthus Zebrinus, Panicum Dallas Blues, Panicum Shenendoah, Spodiopogon Sibericus
HELENIUM -- autumnal
HEMEROCALLIS -- see comprehensive list below
HEUCHERA -- Amethyst Mist, Champagne Bubbles, Chocolate Ruffles, Frosted Violet, Hollywood, Midnight Rose, Obsidian, Paris
HOSTA -- see comprehensive list below
IRIS -- cristata white and blue, Immortality, Grape, Cherry Iris
IRIS -- siberica, Ego, Super Ego, Cambridge, Sakagami
IRIS -- Japanese plum, white
LAVENDER -- Hidcote, Munstead, Provence
LIGULARIA -- Britt Marie Crawford, Desdemona, The Rocket
LOBELIA -- cardinalis
MONARDA -- Jacob Cline, Mahogany
PEONY -- we have a collection of unnamed peonies from Gary's grandmother's garden; whites, pinks, roses, very reliable and inexpensive, in addition to named varieties such as: Adolphe Rousseau, Alexander Fleming, Bowl of Beauty, Caroline Mathers, Felix Supreme, Francois Ortego, Grover Cleveland, japanese red and pink, Kansas, Karl Rosenfeld, officionalis roseum, Sarah Bernhardt,
Shawnee Chief, Shirley Temple, Sorbet, and others, Garden Treasure in very limited supply.
PHLOX -- m. Miss Lingard
PHLOX -- p., Bright Eyes, David, Dodo Hanbury Forbes, Eva Cullem, Purple w/eye
PLOX s. -- Blue Emerald, Emerald Pink, Red Wing
PULMONARIA -- Majesty, Misses Moon, deep blue, raspberry pink
RUDBECKIA -- Goldstrum
SALVIA -- May Night, dwarf version Marcus
SAPONARIA -- ocymoides
SAGINA -- subulata aurea
SEDUM -- Angelina, Autumn Charm, Carl, Cauticola, Weinstefaner Gold, Maestro, Matrona, Red Cauli
STACHYS -- Helen von Stein
THALICTRUM -- Black Stocking, Lavender Mist
THYME -- Red Creeping, Wooley, Minus, Doone Valley, Trollius, Golden Queen